What do you do when a 7-year career break has eroded your confidence? This worked for Ella Hoyos|E201 ⋆ TechPixies

What do you do when a 7-year career break has eroded your confidence? This worked for Ella Hoyos|E201

You take time out to fulfil the dream of becoming a parent and love it. 💕

But in the time you’ve been dashing about becoming pals with Peppa Pig, the world moves on, and suddenly, the route back to work feels like climbing Everest in your flip-flops. 

For Ella Hoyos, a seven-year career break left her confidence, self-esteem and sense of worth in the gutter, replaced instead by a major case of ANTs (automatic negative thoughts). 

She was telling herself: 

⛰️ I can’t get a job because I can’t do the commute.

⛰️ There’s no childcare in my village and my husband’s at work all day. 

⛰️ I can’t afford a childminder.

⛰️ Yikes! Tech has moved on so much.

“All these things were preventing me from even getting started. So it was little wonder that I’d struggled so much to get back into work,” says Ella in this week’s episode of the Sparkle and Thrive Podcast. 

But after upskilling in social media and squashing her ANTs through our life coaching, Ella began to see the possibilities before her. 

She began to ask, ‘Why not’?’ 

Why not a career in copywriting? Why not launch a podcast? Why not write a book, do a TED Talk, or create a course? 

Here’s why you should tune in

Discover how upskilling in social media and a spot of ANT squashing helped Ella identify a career she could fit around her family that would give her the financial independence she craved. You’ll love hearing how Ella snagged her first client and the MAJOR wins she achieved, and check out how collaborating with a fellow TechPixie on a podcast is now opening doors. 

Here’s what to listen out for:

[01:29] Ella opens up about returning to work after having kids. 

[06:47] Do any of these limiting beliefs sound familiar?

[09:24] Financial independence provides a focus. 

[11:14] Ella discovers her niche. 

[15:06] Achieving major wins for her first client. 

[25:38] The benefits of launching a podcast.

[36:46] Where Ella will be three years from now and what financial independence means to her.

Check out TechPixies.com/yes to follow in Ella’s footsteps.

 Or, if you want to know more about creating a course or launching it online, there’s a reason TechPixies is an affiliate for Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy and Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula®.

They’re business game changers, and they work! 

Oh, and If you love listening to podcasts as much as we do, tune into Ella and fellow TechPixie Minnie McBride dishing out hot-to-trot tips on writing compelling copy for your business on their Cracking Copy podcast.

There’s oodles of podcast goodness this week! ▶️▶️▶️ 

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Useful links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Everything is Figureoutable – Marie Forleo

Gabriel Lipper – 8Paint

Email is NOT Dead – Sparkle and Thrive Podcast Episode 19

Product Launch Formula®

Cracking Copy Podcast

Profit First – Mike Michalowicz

Joy Book Club

Launch – Jeff Walker

Digital Course Academy

TechPixies Social Media Management Certification 

Connect with Ella

 Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  Twitter  |  Facebook

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