[Episode 32] Alumni interview with Karin Lemke, founder of JustGiftMe ⋆ TechPixies

[Episode 32] Alumni interview with Karin Lemke, founder of JustGiftMe

In this episode, TechPixies founder Joy Foster, interviews one of our own TechPixies, Karin Lemke, founder of JustGiftMe. When women sign up for the course we don’t know their exact intentions, or where the course might lead them! So it’s always exciting for us to hear about their business ventures and career paths.

After having her second child, Karin tried to go back to work but found her job hectic and difficult to negotiate childcare. She took a career break to think about her next steps.
She created JustGiftMe to create day to day, specialised and personalised gifts for children. Her Etsy shop has just launched and you should definitely check it out! → https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JustGiftMe

Need to move your business online? →  https://techpixies.com/moveonline/ this workshop will give you our 3 tips for moving your business online.

Hear more about her journey by watching the livecast or listening to the podcast!

Don’t forget, you can listen on the podcast too!