The story of the other woman behind TechPixies|E247 ⋆ TechPixies

The story of the other woman behind TechPixies|E247

Redundancy, death of a parent, separation and divorce. 🫨

If you were faced with all three in the space of a year, would you dive back under the duvet and retreat from the world, or would you hit the reset button? 

For Kathryn Conway, life’s lemons offered a chance to reassess the path she was walking through life, and it led her to the door of TechPixies. 

Drawn to the caring sense of community and the effervescence of founder Joy Foster, this is the story of how a journey that started with upskilling in social media led to Kathryn becoming TechPixies’ copywriter and funnel builder, getting to see the inside of a business she is passionate about.   

Here’s why you need to tune in

From Kathryn’s favourite TechPixies ‘Joyisms’ to how the life-changing DreamBuilder® Program helped her process her divorce, this episode is a testament to the strength found in the shared experiences of a supportive community and the power of ‘this or something greater still’. 

Here’s what to listen out for:

[02:08] TechPixies finds you when you need it most.

[05:47] Keep your eyes on your own boat.

[13:03] How Kathryn got her job at TechPixies. 

[19:12] Being allowed to thrive. 

[27:39] Learning to forgive through the DreamBuilder® Program.

[31:10] This or something greater still.

[35:41] Trusting your gut instinct.

If you’re feeling stuck about the direction you should take next in life or need a reminder of what’s possible when you simply say yes to investing in yourself, this is the episode for you. 

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Useful links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Social Media Superhero Bootcamp

Social Media Management Certification

DreamBuilder® Program

Lisa Mellis Sparkle and Thrive Podcast Episode

LaShelle Marlow’s Sparkle and Thrive Podcast Episode

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