How to build a brand you love and grow your brilliant business with Julia Heffer|E237 ⋆ TechPixies

How to build a brand you love and grow your brilliant business with Julia Heffer|E237

Say the word ‘brand’, and what pops into your head? Amazon? Apple? Coca-Cola? 

How about you and your business? 😱

For TechPixie Julia Heffer, thinking about you and your business as a brand from the outset is the key to success. In fact, building an authentic brand is a business fundamental and goes way beyond a logo and a great-looking social media feed.

Get your branding right, and you’ll put yourself on the road to saving time, saving money, finding clients more easily, and charging more – all because you’ve understood who you serve, nailed your messaging, and discovered how to stand out from the crowd in the best possible way. 💪🏼

And if you’re scratching your head thinking, ‘well, that sounds lovely, but I haven’t got a clue where to start’, this is the episode for you. 🩷

Here’s why you need to tune in

Discover how Julia can help you get clear on your brand vision so that your messaging becomes crystal clear and you better understand how you can show up and stand out. Learn more about Julia’s path to success as a brand coach and hear why she’s putting together a free Masterclass you don’t want to miss.  

Here’s what to listen out for:

[02:53] How Julia Heffer’s business has evolved. 

[06:31] What are the benefits of having a cohesive brand? 

[10:21] How could Julia’s Brand Masterclass help you?

[14:07] Why you need trusted advisors in your business. 

[17:22] Tangible benefits of Julia’s coaching. 

[21:24] Be inspired by the story of bamboo.

If the idea of building a brand has left you feeling like you’d rather pull the duvet over your head and leave it all for another day, this episode is a great place to get over the overwhelm. 

Press play now. ▶️▶️▶️

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Useful links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Julia’s Brand Masterclass – Build Your Brilliant Business in a Way That’s 100% You

Connect with Julia


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