3 keys to shifting your mindset with Joy Foster|E193 ⋆ TechPixies

3 keys to shifting your mindset with Joy Foster|E193

Getting in the right headspace goes a long way to helping you get to where you need to be. But how do you become the master of your thoughts so they work for you, not against you? How do you get out of your own way?

Well, there’s a formula for that. 👏🏽

And trust us, even if the word formula is enough to make you want to put your head back under the duvet, this is super simple to follow. It’s just three simple but super fun steps based on techniques we’ve seen thousands of women use to help them hit the snooze button on their inner critic. And Joy, our chief ANT squasher, is here to take you through them all. 🐜

Here’s why you should tune in

Hear how having a vision helped me get the first £16K of funding for TechPixies, what to do if you don’t have a vision and why you need people who support your dream. Discover what a brain prime is and the simple statement that will change the game for you, and hear the third and final step in the master your mindset formula. 

Here’s what to listen out for:

[00:22] The first step to mastering your mindset.

[03:31] What if you don’t have a vision? 

[05:19] How I got the first £16k funding for TechPixies.

[07:58] The second step to mastering your mindset.

[09:35] How can you deal with an Automatic Negative Thought (ANT)?

[14:25] The simple third step to mastering your mindset.

[14:44] Discover the formula for transformation.

“If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favourable.”
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca

So to chart a path to success, press play now ▶️▶️▶️ 

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Useful links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Suzanne Heywood – Wavewalker 

Marie Forleo – Everything is Figureouable 

Connect with Joy
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