[Episode 105] How to sell almost anything online with Jeff Walker, author and creator of Product Launch Formula ⋆ TechPixies

[Episode 105] How to sell almost anything online with Jeff Walker, author and creator of Product Launch Formula

No one likes to feel like they’re being sold to. FACT. Think of all the times you’ve experienced the ‘hard sell’ and tell us it hasn’t left you feeling a little icky. It makes you want to run like Forrest Gump in the opposite freakin’ direction, right? 🏃🏃🏃

And yet, encouraging someone to buy what you’ve got to offer is at the heart of every successful business – you need to get it right to survive. 

So we want you to pause for a minute and free your mind of everything you *think* you know about ‘the hustle’ (all together now, ‘breathe in, two, three, four; breathe out, two, three, four’). Because we need you primed and ready to tune in to a man whose students have done a collective $1 billion in sales (yes, you read that right). 💰🤯

Here’s why you need to tune in

Jeff Walker is the man who, 25 years ago, was a stay-at-home dad with an email list of 17 people (19 if you include him and his wife 😂). But by taking baby steps, he found his voice, discovered that he could help people with the advice he had to offer, and created a model that has helped countless businesses rocket. 🚀

So tune in to hear: 

🌟 Why scarcity sells 

🌟 Why sales success is all about stories, sequences, triggers AND transformation 

🌟 How you can find your voice.

Here’s what to listen out for:

[00:48] You’ll relate to Jeff’s story as a stay-at-home dad starting a business. 

[06:01] Hear how Jeff romanced his audience and watched his numbers rocket.

[11:20] Understand the power of ‘ABL’ and why it’s critical to your success. 

[18:58] Why you don’t need to worry about being in a crowded market. 

[25:42] Discover why scarcity sells.

[32:39] Why you should always be selling the transformation.

[41:03] How can you futureproof your business? 

[45:02] You need to hear Jeff’s powerful message.

[49:53] Why online course creation has far from peaked. 

[53:47] Be inspired by stories of success from Jeff’s students.

Remember: the best time to plant an oak tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. So take action and hit that play button

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Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Jeff Walker – Launch: How to Sell Almost Anything Online, Build a Business You Love, and Live the Life of Your Dreams 

Product Launch Formula

Anne LaFollette Art

John Gallagher LearningHerbs

Amy Small Knit Collage

Connect with Jeff


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