Surviving redundancy and creating wealth mindfully with Avneet Sachdeva|E270 ⋆ TechPixies

Surviving redundancy and creating wealth mindfully with Avneet Sachdeva|E270

Be prepared in an unprepared world. 

This is the advice from Avneet Sachdeva, who believes women shouldn’t rely on a single source of income and has been able to rebuild her career after moving from India to the UK via Germany and experiencing redundancy not once but twice. 

Because even when ‘being let go’ felt personal and emotional, and even when she was questioning her self-worth as a result, Avneet was able to tap into her side hustle and turn what seemed like a devastating setback into her true calling helping women build wealth mindfully. 

For Avneet, financial empowerment starts with a wealthy mindset (check out her Insta for a whole heap of fab tips on creating and sustaining wealth mindfully). And being wealthy isn’t about having billions in your bank account, it’s about feeling wealthy and wanting to make a difference,

So, to hear how Avneet helps women achieve this, how she ‘kept herself going to keep going’, and why you need to change your calendar to change your life, hit the play button now. 

Here’s what to listen out for:

[00:43] When career interruptions feel personal. 

[06:36] The biggest fear of starting again.

[09:24] When a side hustle becomes something more.

[11:29] Handling rejection. 

[14:53] Creating wealth mindfully.

[15:31] Keep going while keeping yourself going. 

[22:26] Why changing your calendar can change your life.

[25:42:] The power of your intuition in shaping success.

You know what to do! ▶️▶️▶️  

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Useful links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Episode 267 – Elisabeth Prgrar, co-founder of Aila Money

Connect with Avneet


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