[Episode 146] Life is a spiral with lessons to learn. How Juliet Addenbrooke found her true purpose through TechPixies ⋆ TechPixies

[Episode 146] Life is a spiral with lessons to learn. How Juliet Addenbrooke found her true purpose through TechPixies

If you’ve ever felt like you’re facing the same battles in life, again and again, you’ll love this episode of the Sparkle and Thrive Podcast. 

Not least because Joy’s mashing up the airwaves with her usual brand of savvy advice and thought-provoking nuggets with one of the most popular peeps in our community, 🌈

In the past, Juliet Addenbrooke has been the first person our students would hear from. A calming voice and a willing ear, who’s always ready to pen a handwritten note on cards made by her kids to welcome newbies to the TechPixies tribe. 

Today, she’s our resident life coach, and is on a mission to help women realise that they need to unconditionally love themselves, just as she has through her time at TechPixies.😍

Here’s why you need to tune in

Tune in for guidance on everything from why life is a spiral (and what you can do about it) to working out which values matter to you most (and why this is important). You’ll also love Juliet’s take on celebrating difference and why it represents an opportunity for discovery.

Here’s what to listen out for:

[07:09] What were the early days of TechPixies like?

[08:52] Juliet discovers her calling. 

[12:17] Why life is a spiral. 

[15:02] Juliet reveals her greatest learning from her time at TechPixies.

[18:55] Why values matter. 

[26:06] How Juliet is using her TechPixies transformation to help others transform their own lives. 

[28:49] What feeling like an outsider teaches you. 

[35:44] How Juliet got to a ‘I can do this’ place with her life coaching.


▶️▶️▶️ Tune in now and drop us a line at [email protected] if you’d love to know how TechPixies can help you and how we support LGBTIQ+, 60+, BAME and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

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Useful links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Barefoot Coaching

TechPixies Social Media Success Book

Connect with Juliet


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