DONATE ⋆ TechPixies


The TechPixies programme originally launched in 2015 with the financial support of the Government Equalities Office via the Oxfordshire County Council and the Better Broadband for Oxfordshire programme. When we were given the money, we were told that it was a one off grant and that we would have to find a way to be self sustaining after it ran out.

In 2016, we applied for and won a grant from UnLtd called the ‘Grow it’ Award. This is a £15,000 grant which has helped us to rework our programme, move it online and is preparing the programme to scale across the UK.

In 2017, we launched a Crowdfunding campaign to raise £5,000. We were extremely lucky and passed our goal, raising over £7100. One of the reasons we crossed our target was because of a corporate sponsorship from FiDUS Power, a company who believes adamantly in helping women return to flexible and well paid employment.

While we do charge women to attend our courses, we also have promised that anyone who needs a scholarship will receive one if they are a good fit for our programme. We raise our scholarship money via corporate partnerships (please contact us), private donations (donate using this link) and grant funding. If you would like to make a donation, it will be very much appreciated and we will keep you posted about our progress as we scale and expand our programme to help women across the UK return to work.

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