How to break free from trauma with Philippa Smethurst|E268

*This podcast episode discusses trauma, which some may find triggering.  In 1989, tanks rolled into China’s Tiananmen Square and brutally ended a demonstration by students calling for political and economic reform.  Philippa Smethurt, who was teaching in China at the time, saw the ripple effects of this watershed moment in history play out before her…

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How Could Energy Medicine Help You?|E264

Rub your hands together and slowly pull them apart. What do you feel? Warmth? Tingling?  ⚡ For Jodi Law, this sensation is energy.  And as a transformational energy medicine practitioner, she believes we can tap into the body’s natural energy to take control of our health and wellbeing.  It’s an area Jodi leaned into after…

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