Kathryn Conway, Author at TechPixies

How Could Energy Medicine Help You?|E264

Rub your hands together and slowly pull them apart. What do you feel? Warmth? Tingling?  ⚡ For Jodi Law, this sensation is energy.  And as a transformational energy medicine practitioner, she believes we can tap into the body’s natural energy to take control of our health and wellbeing.  It’s an area Jodi leaned into after…

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Fertility coaching and pivoting for business success|E263 

*Trigger warning: this podcast episode discusses infertility.* Your husband quits his job to help you build the next phase of your business only for the panic of the pandemic to hit just a couple of months later. Your thriving face-to-face career supporting women in their 40s through complex fertility issues needs to pivot…fast…but you’re homeschooling one…

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